The Perfect Plan For Christmas Week To Stop You Melting Into Your Sofa

It’s your last day at work, that festive feeling is in the air, Christmas is next week (who can even believe it), and post-Boxing Day you have ZERO plans to go anywhere. You know the drill. Whilst it may be enjoyably indulgent, might we suggest that with a few tweaks, your Crimbo Limbo week could feel a tad more satisfying and like it lasts longer than 15 minutes... Just a thought. Well, here at PPL we are team Making The Most of It, therefore have dreamt up a master plan for you to squeeze maximum enjoyment out of your festive period.


Glide Through the Ice

It’s cold, so we might as well embrace it! If you have a local ice skating rink, you have absolutely no excuse. Stop worrying about looking silly, put some skates on and go and enjoy yourself. Take your partner, your family, your friends and hit the ice. Bonus: you know all of that exercise gives you the perfect excuse to have a hot chocolate with all of the extras afterwards. For this one, we think the perfect companion is the Original Mini in Silver, to give you that seasonal sparkle.  


Cinema Date

If you’re in a cosy mood, this is the one for you. What’s a more minimum-effort outing than a visit to the cinema? It’s essentially a big lounge. Grab some popcorn, your treats of choice, pick a film and get comfy! Absolutely vital that you have enough room for snacks, so we would recommend the Original Plus in Red, so you can keep your phone separate from your food!


Bring a Board

Is there a better time of year to eat a ridiculous amount of cheese and drink copious amounts of wine? We think not. This can be as dressy or casual as you like - whichever way you’ll have the most fun. Gather your favourite people and head to wherever the best cheese board in your local area is (we don’t need to venture too far out, now). We promise you won’t regret it.

Whilst indulgent, some might consider this a sophisticated event, and therefore best accompanied by our Sutton Sling in Black - with its newest handle edition, for a classy touch. The Sutton can be effortlessly dressed up or down, so you really can’t go wrong here.


Mulling Around The Market

If you can resist the warm, spiced mulled drinks that are everywhere to be seen throughout this season, then you must have some kind of superhuman power - so feel free to skip this one. Strolling around the local market, enjoying the lights, music, and sampling various mulled drinks sounds like a delicious way to spend an evening to us. The dreamiest combo for this would be our Suede & Leather City bag in Mocha, you can’t get more cosy than that. 

Blow Away The Cobwebs

If we’re really being honest about how much we usually move in Crimbo Limbo… Then we definitely don’t want to think about that. A low pressure way to get some fresh air, spend some quality time with loved ones, and work off all that cheese you’ve been eating; is a nice, slow, nature walk. Throw on a Barnes Belt bag in Stone and you’re ready to go. Wander as near or far as you like, but you’ll thank yourself come January. 

Explore Winter Wonderland

One for the thrill seekers! Open every day besides Christmas Day, this one is a perfect way to jolt some excitement into your week if you feel you have just relaxed enough and you’re now bored. Whilst truanting around these busy crowds you’ll probably need your hands free to hold a hot drink or festive snack! We recommend a Gold Bum Bag for this one, to keep your phone, wallet and other valuables close to you. 



The One You’re All Waiting For

Most importantly during this week, we need time to put our feet up and relax. A day to only be a couch potato and eat leftovers. Take some time to reflect on the year that is closing, think about the things you have to be grateful for and dream about what opportunities that next year might hold for you. But also, feel free to be horizontal and stuff your face. 


We’re not saying you have to do all of these, (very important to get back to lounging around the house and hoovering up leftovers) however, we must report that it will make you feel 100% better to leave the house. Before we know it, January will be here and we’ll all be on our best behaviour, so let’s enjoy! You can thank us later.